Texas Loan Options

Texas Construction-to-Permanent Loans (Single Close Transactions)

Construction to Permanent Loans (Single-closing transactions) in Texas streamline the financing process, offering borrowers the flexibility to merge interim construction loan financing with permanent financing. This option provides the convenience of closing on both the construction loan and the permanent financing simultaneously, simplifying the overall transaction and enhancing the efficiency of the homebuilding journey.

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Construction-to-Permanent Loans

Financing your custom home is typically a 2-step process. However, Pacific Home Loans will consider financing the land acquisition, construction expenses, and the permanent loan all in one loan, on a case-by-case basis.

Step 1: Land Acquisition

For example:
Cost                                     $500,000
– 25% down                       $125,000
Land Loan Amount           $375,000

Land Loans are available with 1-year, 2-year, and 3-year term. Be sure to choose a land loan term that will give you enough time to design your home and to select a building contractor.

Step 2: Get Pre-Qualified for a Construction to Permanent Loan:

As soon as you have a construction budget, a PHL loan officer will pre-qualify you for one of our Texas Construction to Permanent loans. The Construction to Permanent loan will pay off your land loan, finance construction expenses, and will automatically roll into the permanent loan of your choice once construction is completed. If you financed your land purchase with Pacific Home Loans, you simply need to update your file when you are ready to proceed to a Construction to Permanent loan.

How the deal gets structured:

Construction cost             $500,000
Land cost                           $500,000
Total                                 $1,000,000

$1,000,000 cost x 80% = $800,000 Loan Amount
$1,000,000 cost x 20% = $200,000 Down Payment

Cash needed to close construction to permanent loan:
Down payment                 $200,000
– Equity in land                $125,000 (see step 1 above)
Total cash to close          $  75,000 + closing costs
Construction Package Checklist:
General Contractor
Retaining the services of a licensed general contractor is required for every construction loan. Exceptions for owner builder will be considered for a licensed contractor.
Construction Contract
The contract, executed by the contractor and the borrower is an agreement between the parties outlining the cost of the project, responsibilities assigned to the contractor and borrower, and the disbursement schedule.

Plans and Specifications
The plans and specifications used for appraisal purposes much exactly match those submitted to the County’s Building Department. This must be certified by the contractor.

Payment and Performance Bond
A payment and performance bond gives the lender and the borrower the assurance that the construction project will be completed and to satisfaction. It must be issued by a bonding company that is acceptable to the lender.

Building Permit
A copy of the building permit issued by the County must be provided.

Property Inspections
A property inspection will occur at the time of each disbursement to track the progress of the construction contract timeline. Prior to the release of funds, the goal of the timeline must be met.

Notice of Completion
Once a notice of completion is received from the bonding company, your loan will be converted to permanent financing.

Loan Terms
The permanent loan term is decided and locked in at loan submission. This is an added benefit in a rising interest environment. Your rate during construction is your permanent rate and is interest only.

Residential Construction to Permanent Loan
• Build a custom home
• Build a custom attached or detached accessory dwelling
• Build a custom home and an attached or detached accessory dwelling
• Loan can be considered for a purchase
• Loan can be considered for a refinance
• Loan amounts up to $4,000,000

Permanent Loan
The construction loan will automatically roll into a permanent loan as soon as you receive your notice of completion. If you have a 6-month construction period, you will have a 354-month amortization on the permanent loan. Construction periods range from 6 to 18 months.

Pacific Home Loans offers several Hawaii Construction to Permanent loans—available throughout the Loan Star State —to choose from.

Information and self-help tools are provided for your independent use and are not intended to provide investment advice. We cannot and do not guarantee loan eligibility or accuracy in regards to your individual circumstances. All examples are hypothetical and are for illustrative purposes. We encourage you to speak with one of our experienced loan officers for a loan eligibility analysis and custom rate and payment estimate.

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