Nevada Loan Options

Nevada Adjustable Rate Mortgage

Explore Adjustable Rate Mortgages (ARMs) with Pacific Home Loans:

Pacific Home Loans provides a range of Adjustable Rate Mortgages tailored to meet your needs across Nevada.

Conventional ARMs: Discover our Conventional ARM options, featuring products from Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and our Portfolio offerings designed to suit various financial requirements.

Government ARMs: Unlock the benefits of Government-backed ARMs, including FHA and VA loans, offering accessible and affordable homeownership solutions.

Alternative Document Programs: For self-employed individuals and investors, we offer Alternative Document programs such as the Self-Employed Bank Statement Loan and the Investor Cash-Flow Loan, providing flexibility and tailored solutions to support your unique financial circumstances.

Partner with Pacific Home Loans in Nevada to explore the versatility and benefits of Adjustable Rate Mortgages tailored to your homeownership goals.

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Some Benefits of an Adjustable Rate Mortgage:

Initial Fixed Rate:

Select the initial rate that aligns best with your investment strategy. The PHL ARM combines the features of fixed-rate and adjustable-rate loans. It begins with a stable interest rate for several years before transitioning to an ARM, with the rate adjusting annually for the remainder of the loan term.

Available Initial Fixed Rate Periods:

  • 3/1 ARM
  • 5/1 ARM
  • 7/1 ARM
  • 10/1 ARM

The initial fixed rate for a PHL ARM can be up to 2% lower than the rate for a 30-year fixed!

Adjustment Periods:

Adjustable-rate mortgages are often denoted as 3/1, 5/1, and so forth. The first number represents the length of the fixed term—typically 1, 3, 5, 7, or 10 years. The second indicates the adjustment interval following the fixed term. For instance, with a 7/1 ARM, you pay a fixed rate of interest for seven years. After that period, the interest rate adjusts annually based on market conditions.

Consider an ARM if you:

  • Plan to reside in your home for fewer than ten years.
  • Seek the lowest possible interest rate and are open to accepting some risk.
  • Desire the reassurance of consistent monthly payments for three or more years, with an interest rate only slightly higher than that of an annually adjusted ARM.
  • Plan to sell your home or refinance shortly after the fixed term concludes.

Important Note:

The information and self-help tools provided are for independent use and do not constitute investment advice. We do not guarantee loan eligibility or accuracy concerning individual circumstances. All examples are hypothetical and for illustrative purposes. We recommend consulting one of our experienced loan officers for a comprehensive loan eligibility analysis, along with a personalized rate and payment estimate.

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